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The thread in which we only speak in English



Encouraged by a discussion regarding the topic of learning English a few days ago, I thought it would be a funny idea to start a thread in which we only talk in English. Maybe it's not. In that case... ignore it. If you want to start a discussion about the evil English language that invades our every day life, then do it in English or go f**k yourself and eat a fu**ing sausage! The threads purpose is not to insult one another to try out new curse words by the way... go to Youtube or Reddit.

I guess you ask yourself, what we should discuss in here. Well, whatever. I really don't care. Although this seems to be kind of a spam thread it serves a certain purpose. You learn this beautiful language by using it. So use it and write more than a standard Youtube-comment consisting of various swear words. Maybe that comes in handy for some of you, who knows...

Since not everyone is in the position to speak to people in English all the time, besides exchange students, this could be an opportunity to do so. Even though we just write stuff which is pretty easy compared to talk to another person. But it's practice and you can stock up your vocabulary or something. Just like listening to the language by watching movies, tv-shows and other things.

So, have fun. Or not.

Maybe i just start with some questions to answer: how are your English skills and how often do you use it ? Do you watch movies or read books in English? Have you ever been to an English speaking country? Whats you penis size?

Wer es nicht verstanden hat: Hier nur English! Thema egal. Ist vielleicht eine nette Sprachübung oder einfach mal was anderes für gelangweilte Nachmittage oder sowas...

If you just started to learn English, watch this awesome video with comedian Ricky Gervais to improve your skills:

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Interesting. I had the same idea last year to improve my english skills. I just had no balls to do it.
How are your English skills and how often do you use it?

At school my English grade was always above average. No more, no less. It often depended on what we were doing. Analyzing novel. Gross! Talking about politics, sports, news or hookers. Awesome! Besides my advanced course was English.

Do you watch movies or read books in English?

I'm normally watching movies twice. Once in German and once in English. I rarely read books in English.

Have you ever been to an English speaking country?

Yes. Last Summer I was in San Antonio, Texas for a few days. And I loved it. Planning to travel to USA again some time.
Almost 4 years ago I had a practical training in Hull, England for 3 weeks. I really could improve my English skills. Learning a language is generally easier by talking to native speakers.

Whats you penis size?

Enviousness may occur. So no comment. :P

By the way I also have a website for advanced speakers: One Word a Day
You can subscribe a newsletter daily sent to you with one English word which is described with 3 definitions. 2 are false, 1 is right. Click on the definition you believe it is right and you get the German translation. In the best case you learn the term by heart.
Finally! I always wanted a LOX-free thread.

Whats you penis size?

It's a typo for sure. But I always ask myself why there are so many english-speaking people that don't know the difference between "you", "your" and "you're".

Also dsr159, you seems like to own a german accent.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
how are your English skills and how often do you use it ?
My englisch is under all pig and i use it not so often. If i have the chance to speak in a normal language like german or eastgerman so i use this chance. English is only a language for people, who are to stupid to learn a real language. ;)
Do you watch movies or read books in English?
Yes, i read the last three Harry Potter Books in englisch and also i look movies in englisch. But this is exceptional.
Have you ever been to an English speaking country?

Booa, was ein Krampf ;)
Finally! I always wanted a LOX-free thread.


It's a typo for sure. But I always ask myself why are <-> there so many englisch-speaking people that doesn't know the difference between "you", "your" and "you're".

Also dsr159, you seems like to own a german accent.

Of course it's a typo.

The difference between "your" and "you're" is the same thing we have in our language with "seid/seit". But we learn the difference between your and you're for quite some time in school. Amongst other basics that are repeated the fuck out of us.

And what do you mean, I have an accent? How do you want to know that if you never heard me speaking English? According to my teachers my pronounciation was quite good. :P
(But that may depend on the time I have to think before I have to speak it out loud :B )
This board dies for sure, I mean why else would exist such topics otherwise?

And yes!
My English is poor enough too say I won't comment here anymore.

Cya around :B
My englisch is under all pig and i use it not so often. If i have the chance to speak in a normal language like german or eastgerman so i use this chance. English is only a language for people, who are to stupid to learn a real language. ;)
Stupidest thing I've ever heard. English is the world language so how can it be not real?
nice idea.

At all haves very big fun here. I am looking now "The Last Samurai" on CableOne ( :B ) good luck
My english is not so good, my german is much better, but i hope we have lucky and win the american championship. :X
The other people are to lazy to learn german. So we get the shit end of the stick. :-D

All people over the world are fucking lazy. I, myself as a Luxemburger have to learn German, French and English :P.
But to be honest I'm quite happy with this because it is really handy to be able to switch between all these languages.
Awsem thread! I love Englisch and I talk it very goodly.

Just kidding. But I do love the English language and I actually name it as one of my hobbies if someone asks me about them (yeah, I got nothing going on). As a "child" I couldn't wait to have English as a subject in school, but it wasn't until the 9th grade that I finally got to choose if I wanted to learn English or Spanish. But ever since then I've been hooked.
Problem is, I usually feel kinda silly speaking English around Germans (even here), and there aren't too many possibilities to meet native speakers... But when I spent 4 months in Scotland, most of them actually thought I was from 'Murrica at first, which was quite a compliment for me, cause that's what I'm going for.

Since we were talking about "you're" and "your", what about "their", "there" and "they're"? I know most of the time it's probably just some dick trolling the grammar nazis (a.k.a. me), but it really shouldn't be that hard...

To the question about books and movies: Those who have read my countless rants on this topic, know my answer :P

Btw: Have you ever tried to construct an English sentence with German grammar? Sometimes it's about the same, but there are times when it gets completely messed up. Of course can I now of no good example think. Stupid verbs always hiding at the end of a sentence...
Btw: Have you ever tried to construct an English sentence with German grammar?

No, and I don't think it's a good idea to begin with. Especially when you are starting to learn the language. If you think in german standarts, you probably going to mess it up memorizing wrong things. And then you speak like a fucking idiot -> Lothar Matthäus for example (i just had to google that stupid name). The best thing to do - at least for me it was - is just to swallow up the structures of the english language. To do so, you have to practice, thats obvious. But in my mind, the best thing to do.
I don't think it's hard to learn English, that's the easy part, the small details are where it gets tricky. English has much more words for the same things than German, knowing which one to use in the right situation can be trial and error. Another difficult thing are the many irregular verbs.

I learned the basics from school and the rest by watching movies and browsing the internet. Being registered at some English forums definitely helps making writing easier.

French on the other hand (in Switzerland, we HAVE to learn that at school!) is a completely different story. I hated it back in the days and didn't learn anything. Looking back, I feel it's kinda sad that I missed this opportunity to learn a new language at a young age. But I still think that French is a very tedious language to learn. Maybe someday, I can get myself to give it a new try...

I also have a second language, Greek. Greek feels much more natural to me than English, as I know it since I was a child, although I'm not that good in reading or writing it, because I always lived in Switzerland and don't have any Greek relatives there. But when we went there for vacation, I quickly started talking in Greek to everyone, including my Swiss mother.

If you consider learning Greek, be warned, it's at least as complicated as German - or more.

It's always fun to talk about other languages ;D
No, and I don't think it's a good idea to begin with.
It isn't, but that's the beauty of it ;D
Seriously though, yeah, not recommended in the early years of learning any language.

Lothar Matthäus for example (i just had to google that stupid name).
Made me think of that (female) German Olympic contender (or maybe it was some other sports event) who wanted to say something like "Now, nothing can get in my way." ("Jetzt kann kommen, was will."), but to the camera she literally said "Now can come what wants."
I think Stefan Raab made fun of her once.

The best thing to do - at least for me it was - is just to swallow up the structures of the english language. To do so, you have to practice, thats obvious. But in my mind, the best thing to do.
Yup, practice and consume. Consume lots of it. Which brings us back to movies, TV shows and games.
I'm really not very good with grammar per se, as in "Oh yes, he's using present perfect, that means the other half of the sentence must be future tense" or some shit. I don't even know what most of these tenses mean, neither in English, nor in German (like, what the hell is a "Plusquamperfekt"?)
To this day, I call the tense that goes like "he had taught me" double past. Cause that's basically what it is (mostly referring to indirect speech here).
For example, the direct speech would be
Lindsay: "Oh yes, you taught me that last week!"

Now, if there are two other people with Lindsay, one of them could say to the other "See, she says I taught her that last week."
But if another week passes and the two talk about those events again, the same person would say "Last week, Lindsay said that I had taught her that the week before."
I have no idea what that form is called (I guess this is present perfect?), but my mind knows that this conversation is talking about something that had happened before the other events of the story. Ergo it's double past to me, cause it's even further in the past than the "Lindsay said" part.

And by "absorbing" tons of spoken (and written) English, you just start to get a feeling of what a sentence should sound like in order to be grammatically correct and you also learn to use that skill while talking yourself.

So my advise to those willing to learn would be: Don't spend too much time memorizing dozens of pages in your grammar books. That's dull and you'll be frustrated in no time. Allow English into your life wherever it's possible. Don't be one of those "If there's German voice acting on the disc, I'm gonna choose that, no matter how crappy it sounds!" guys. The sooner you make it a part of yourself, the easier it will be to just naturally know how to form a sentence

Ramble, ramble, ramble.